Getthru partners

Provide Your Clients GetThru Tools

GetThru offers two types of Partner Discounts for organizations connecting us with multiple clients.


10% Referral Discount

Referrers encourage their clients or affiliates to use GetThru products. Clients or affiliates then contract directly with GetThru at the discounted rate.

25% Reseller Discount

Resellers handle contracts and billing for their clients. Resellers can pass the discount on to clients, or charge clients up to the base rate and keep the difference.

ThruText Base Pricing

  • $.08 per outbound message
  • Unlimited incoming messages
  • Unlimited cell phone number validation
  • Unlimited technical support
  • Unlimited strategic support

10% Referral Discount

Referrers encourage their clients or affiliates to use GetThru products. Clients or affiliates then contract directly with GetThru at the discounted rate.

25% Reseller Discount

Resellers handle contracts and billing for their clients. Resellers can pass the discount on to clients, or charge clients up to the base rate and keep the difference.

ThruTalk Base Pricing

  • $.055 per dial
  • No charge for connected minutes
  • No charge for caller connection time
  • No charge for validations
  • No charge for in-script email or text widget use
  • Unlimited technical and strategic support