P2P Texting 101 Guide

The Complete Guide to P2P Texting

Unlock the potential of P2P texting with our comprehensive guide. Explore best practices, compliance measures, and the role of 10DLC. Learn how to establish personal connections, drive engagement, and navigate the evolving landscape of person-to-person texting.

Table of Contents


Peer-to-peer (P2P) texting has gained considerable prominence in recent years, particularly for political campaigns, nonprofit organizations, and businesses alike, as it offers a more personal and interactive way to connect with target audiences.

One of the key advantages of P2P texting is its ability to reach a large number of recipients simultaneously, with personalized and customizable messages. It enables organizations to engage in two-way communication, allowing recipients to respond and facilitating genuine dialogues. This level of personalization and interactivity makes P2P texting more effective than traditional mass message broadcasting methods.

P2P texting is often utilized for political campaigns as it permits candidates to directly engage with potential voters. Instead of relying solely on mass emails or phone calls, volunteers or campaign staff can use specialized P2P texting platforms to send individualized messages to constituents. This helps create a sense of personal attention which can persuade voters and mobilize grassroots support. P2P texting is also instrumental in organizing volunteer activities, fundraising initiatives, and event reminders.

Nonprofit organizations have also embraced P2P texting to enhance their outreach efforts. By connecting with donors and supporters through personalized messages, nonprofits can provide updates on fundraising campaigns, volunteer opportunities, and other initiatives. P2P texting enables these organizations to foster stronger relationships and garner increased support from their audience.

From a business perspective, P2P texting has emerged as an effective marketing and customer service tool. It allows businesses to send tailored messages to customers, offering personalized product recommendations, exclusive discounts, or order updates. Moreover, businesses can address customer inquiries or concerns in real-time, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

P2P texting utilizes specialized platforms and software that enable automation and scalability. These platforms often provide intuitive interfaces, allowing users to create and manage messaging campaigns efficiently. Additionally, many P2P texting platforms integrate seamlessly with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, enabling businesses and organizations to collect valuable data on customer interactions and preferences.

However, it is important to note that P2P texting must be approached with respect for privacy regulations and best practices. Users must obtain consent from recipients before initiating conversations, and proper opt-out mechanisms should be in place for those who no longer wish to receive messages.

In conclusion, P2P texting represents an innovative and powerful communication tool that facilitates personalized and interactive messaging between individuals and organizations. Its versatility and potential for engagement make it an invaluable asset for political campaigns, nonprofit organizations, and businesses seeking to establish direct connections with their audience.

Definition of P2P Texting

In the context of P2P texting, the term "definition" refers to the understanding and explanation of what it is and how it works. By leveraging technology to facilitate direct and personalized communication, instead of relying on third-party platforms or services, P2P platforms enable direct connections between senders and recipients. This direct communication allows for more authentic and impactful conversations, as it avoids the limitations and restrictions associated with conventional mass messaging systems.

However, it is important to note that there may be regulatory considerations and opt-in requirements depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the messages being sent. Compliance with applicable laws and best practices is essential when engaging in P2P texting to ensure privacy and consent.

In summary, P2P texting involves the direct exchange of text messages between individuals or organizations without the need for intermediaries. It provides a personalized and impactful communication method that bypasses traditional mass messaging systems. With its ability to reach a large audience while maintaining personalization, P2P texting has become a popular choice for various organizations to engage with their target audiences and foster meaningful interactions.

History and Evolution

The history of P2P texting can be traced back to the early days of SMS (Short Message Service) technology, which was first introduced in the 1990s. SMS allows individuals to send short, text-based messages to one another using their mobile phones. This marked the initial shift towards decentralized communication, as messages were sent directly from one phone to another, bypassing intermediary systems.

However, true peer-to-peer texting as we know it today began to take shape with the advent of mobile messaging applications and data-based messaging services. Examples include early platforms such as AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) and Yahoo Messenger, which allowed users to send messages to each other over the Internet. These services made it possible to engage in real-time, direct conversations without relying solely on SMS.

As technology progressed, mobile-focused messaging applications gained popularity. Platforms like WhatsApp, WeChat, and LINE revolutionized the way people communicated by offering free and instant messaging through an internet connection. These apps exploit the data connectivity of smartphones to enable users to send messages, images, videos, and various multimedia files globally, regardless of geographical boundaries. By utilizing internet-based protocols, peer-to-peer texting became seamless, cost-effective, and accessible to a broader user base.

Moreover, the rise of P2P texting has extended beyond personal conversations. Nonprofit organizations, political campaigns, advocacy groups, and businesses have begun to recognize the value of peer-to-peer texting as an effective communication tool. It allows them to directly engage with their target audience, delivering personalized messages, conducting surveys, organizing events, and even facilitating fundraising efforts.

P2P texting has also evolved technologically with the emergence of application programming interfaces (APIs) that enable seamless integration of texting capabilities into other tools and platforms. This enables businesses to incorporate P2P texting into their existing systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software, marketing automation tools, or event management platforms. The integration of P2P texting with these systems ensures a smoother and more efficient communication process.

Furthermore, P2P texting has also expanded to incorporate more advanced features, such as end-to-end encryption for enhanced security and privacy. This empowers users to have confidential conversations without the fear of their messages being intercepted or accessed by unauthorized individuals.The concept of P2P texting has evolved from the early days of SMS to encompass a wide range of mobile messaging applications and services. The ability to send text messages directly between individuals, without the need for intermediary servers, has transformed the way people communicate, enabling instant, real-time messaging on a global scale. P2P texting has proven to be a versatile tool, not only for personal communication but also for organizations and businesses looking to connect with their audience in a direct and personalized manner.

Benefits of P2P Texting

Benefits of P2P Texting

Personalized and Interactive Communication: One of the key benefits of P2P texting is the ability to send personalized messages tailored to each recipient. Unlike automated bulk messaging, P2P texting allows for individualized conversations that can be highly engaging. This personalized approach enhances communication and encourages recipients to actively respond, leading to increased interaction and better engagement rates.

High Open and Response Rates: P2P texting boasts remarkably high open and response rates compared to other communication methods such as email or phone calls. Text messages have an average open rate of over 95% within minutes of delivery, ensuring your message reaches the recipient's attention promptly. Consequently, the response rates for P2P texting are significantly higher compared to traditional communication channels, making it an effective tool for sending important messages or announcements.

Flexibility and Scalability: P2P texting is a versatile tool that can be utilized in various scenarios and scaled to meet different needs. Whether it is for political campaigning, non-profit outreach, or customer engagement, P2P texting offers flexibility in adapting to different contexts. Messages can be sent to both large and small audiences, making it a suitable option for organizations of all sizes.

Cost-Effective: P2P texting eliminates the need for expensive automated messaging platforms or service providers. It leverages existing texting infrastructure, allowing organizations to communicate directly with recipients without incurring additional costs. This cost-effective approach makes P2P texting an attractive option for businesses and organizations that need to engage with their audience while staying within budget.

Real-Time Feedback and Insights: P2P texting provides immediate feedback and insights through its two-way communication capabilities. Recipients can respond to messages, enabling organizations to gain real-time feedback and understand the needs, opinions, and concerns of their audience. This feedback can be invaluable for adjusting strategies, tailoring future communications, and improving overall engagement.

Optimal Deliverability: P2P texting ensures messages reach the intended recipients, as it bypasses the challenges associated with email spam filters or crowded voicemail boxes. The direct delivery of messages to mobile devices guarantees a higher chance of messages being read, which is especially important for time-sensitive or urgent communications.

Increase in Conversion Rates: Due to the personalized nature of P2P texting, it has been reported to generate higher conversion rates compared to other communication methods. Whether the goal is to drive sales, encourage donations, or increase event attendance, P2P texting has been shown to be an effective channel for motivating recipients to take action.

In conclusion, P2P texting offers several benefits, including personalized communication, high open and response rates, flexibility and scalability, cost-effectiveness, real-time feedback and insights, optimal deliverability, and increased conversion rates. Whether you are an organization looking to engage with your audience or an individual aiming to communicate on a more personal level, P2P texting is a powerful tool that can enhance your communication efforts.

Speed and Efficiency

P2P offers various benefits in terms of speed and efficiency, making it increasingly popular in our fast-paced and technologically-driven world. This overview will delve into the numerous advantages of P2P texting in terms of speed and efficiency.

Instantaneous Communication: P2P texting allows individuals to send and receive messages in real-time, enabling swift and immediate communication. By eliminating the need for phone calls or email exchanges, P2P texting facilitates instant communication, making it ideal for urgent or time-sensitive matters.

Quick Information Sharing: With P2P texting, essential information can be disseminated rapidly. Whether it's sharing updates, instructions, or announcements, texting allows for quick transmission of information to multiple recipients simultaneously. This streamlines communication processes, particularly in situations where important updates need to be delivered efficiently.

Automation and Personalization: P2P texting platforms often offer automation features, allowing for bulk messaging with customized variables. This capability enables personalized communication on a mass scale, where specific information can be tailored to each recipient. Automated P2P texting saves time and effort, allowing individuals to reach a wider audience efficiently.

Enhanced Efficiency in Group Communication: P2P texting enables efficient group communication, making it particularly beneficial for organizing events, coordinating team efforts, or managing projects. It allows group members to communicate simultaneously, exchange ideas, and receive updates quickly, reducing the need for multiple back-and-forths and streamlining the overall process.

Higher Engagement and Accessibility: P2P texting facilitates increased engagement due to its wide accessibility. In contrast to other communication channels, most individuals always have their mobile phones within reach, making it easier to engage in texting conversations. This accessibility promotes faster response times, leading to more productive and efficient communication.

Delivery Confirmation and Read Receipts: Many P2P texting platforms offer delivery confirmation and read receipts, providing users with notifications when their messages are successfully delivered and opened. This feature enhances efficiency by providing senders with an assurance that their messages have been received and viewed.

In summary, the benefits of P2P texting in terms of speed and efficiency are vast. With its instantaneous communication, quick information sharing, cost-effectiveness, automation capabilities, and enhanced group communication, P2P texting has become an invaluable tool for effective and efficient communication in various personal and professional contexts.


One of the key benefits of P2P is personalization and its ability to create a more intimate and personalized connection between individuals. Unlike automated mass text messages, P2P texting allows for one-on-one interaction, making recipients feel valued and heard. This personal touch is especially advantageous in situations where building trust and establishing rapport are essential, such as fundraising campaigns or customer support interactions.

Personalization enables organizations to deliver targeted messages to specific individuals or groups. By tailoring the content of the text message based on the recipient's preferences, demographics, or past interactions, the likelihood of their engagement and response significantly increases. This level of customization helps senders achieve their desired outcomes, whether it be increasing sales, driving website traffic, gathering feedback, or motivating a particular action.

Personalization allows for real-time communication and immediate response. As text messages are typically read and responded to promptly, organizations can gain valuable insights, and feedback, or address concerns directly from their audience. This rapid exchange of information facilitates agile decision-making and problem-solving, resulting in enhanced customer satisfaction and improved outcomes.Personalization offers a more cost-effective alternative to traditional marketing or outreach methods. Compared to phone calls or physical mail, which may require more time and resources, texting allows for quick and efficient communication at a fraction of the cost. This affordability makes P2P texting an attractive option for small businesses, nonprofits, or startups with limited budgets but a need for effective communication and engagement.

Personalization provides the opportunity for organizations to gather valuable data and insights. By analyzing recipient responses, preferences, or engagement patterns, organizations can refine their messaging, optimize their strategies, and better understand their audience. This data-driven approach allows for continuous improvement and more targeted communication in the future.

P2P texting personalization offers numerous benefits across various industries. From establishing personalized connections and boosting engagement to driving targeted actions and gathering valuable data, this communication strategy has proven to be an effective tool for achieving desired outcomes. By harnessing the power of personalization, organizations can build stronger relationships with their audience, enhance their overall communication efforts, and ultimately achieve their goals more effectively.

High Open Rates

P2P texting, has emerged as a powerful communication tool with high open rates.

Authentic Conversations: P2P texting creates an environment conducive to authentic conversations. The messages sent through P2P texting are typically written and sent by real individuals, providing a sense of genuine interaction. This human element helps build trust and facilitates meaningful dialogue, resulting in higher open rates as recipients are more inclined to read and respond to messages that feel personal and sincere.

Optimal Timing: P2P texting allows organizations to reach recipients at the most opportune times. Instead of relying on traditional forms of communication, such as emails that may get lost in crowded inboxes, P2P texting delivers messages directly to recipients' mobile devices. As people tend to be more attentive to text messages, open rates are significantly higher, ensuring that important information or calls to action are seen and acted upon promptly.

Interactive Engagement: P2P texting provides an interactive engagement platform. Recipients have the ability to respond to the messages they receive, initiating a conversation with the sender. This two-way communication creates a dialogue, allowing for back-and-forth discussions, clarifications, and personalized assistance. As P2P texting fosters engagement, recipients are more likely to open and respond to future messages from the sender.

Typical Clients

Political Campaigns
P2P texting has become an effective tool for political campaigns in recent years. P2P texting has been particularly successful in political campaigns due to its ability to deliver targeted messages, mobilize supporters, and gather valuable data. In the context of political campaigns, there are various use cases of P2P texting that can greatly benefit a campaign's outreach efforts.

P2P texting for Political Campaigns
  • Voter Engagement: Texting allows campaigns to directly reach out to voters and engage them in meaningful conversations. Campaign volunteers or staff members can initiate conversations by sending personalized messages to potential voters, discussing policy ideas, answering questions, or gathering feedback. This direct and personal interaction can foster a sense of connection and build trust between the campaign and the voter, often resulting in increased voter engagement and support.
  • Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Efforts: Texting has proven to be a powerful tool for mobilizing voters and ensuring a high turnout on Election Day. Campaigns can use texting to send reminders and detailed information about voting locations, absentee voting procedures, and early voting options. By directly sending these messages, campaigns can effectively communicate with a large number of voters and encourage them to exercise their right to vote.
  • Fundraising and Donor Outreach: Political campaigns heavily rely on fundraising to support their operations. Texting can be an effective tool for fundraising efforts, allowing campaigns to directly reach out to potential donors and solicit contributions. Campaigns can send personalized messages to individuals who have shown an interest in supporting the campaign, informing them about specific fundraising events, and donation deadlines, or even sending links to online donation platforms.
  • Volunteer Recruitment: Texting can assist campaigns in recruiting volunteers by connecting with potential supporters who are interested in actively participating in the campaign. Campaigns can send targeted messages to individuals who have shown interest or engagement, inviting them to volunteer at events, canvass in their community, or join campaign phone banks. These personalized messages can effectively motivate individuals to take an active role in the campaign.
  • Voter Data Collection: Texting provides an opportunity for campaigns to collect valuable voter data by engaging in conversations with voters. Campaigns can ask voters about their policy preferences, and issues they care about, or gather insights on specific demographic groups. This data can be used to tailor campaign messages, identify potential supporters, and refine campaign strategies.

In summary, P2P texting offers political campaigns a versatile tool to engage with voters, mobilize supporters, raise funds, recruit volunteers, and collect valuable data. By utilizing this technology effectively, campaigns can establish direct and personalized connections with voters, ultimately leading to stronger voter engagement, increased turnout, and improved campaign performance.

Non-Profit Fundraising
In the context of non-profit fundraising, P2P has proven to be an effective tool for reaching out to donors, supporters, and volunteers. This technology enables non-profit organizations to engage with their target audience in a personalized and immediate manner, enabling efficient and effective fundraising efforts.

Here are some key use cases of P2P texting in the realm of non-profit fundraising:

P2P texting for Non-Profit Fundraising
  • Donor Acquisition: Texting allows non-profit organizations to connect with potential donors and introduce their cause. Through personalized messages, organizations can explain their mission, highlight their impact, and request financial support. This direct and interactive communication often garners a higher response rate compared to traditional outreach methods.
  • Event Promotion: Non-profit organizations regularly organize fundraising events, such as galas, charity runs, or silent auctions, to raise funds. Texting provides an efficient means to invite potential participants and donors to these events. Messages can include event details, registration links, and opportunities to contribute or volunteer. By directly reaching out to individuals who have shown previous interest or support, organizations can boost event attendance and donations.
  • Drive Donor Engagement: Texting platforms help non-profits maintain an ongoing relationship with their donors. By regularly communicating with supporters through personalized messages, organizations can share updates on their work, express gratitude for contributions, and provide opportunities for continued involvement. This fosters a sense of community and strengthens donor loyalty.
  • Crowdfunding Campaigns: Texting can play a vital role in promoting crowdfunding campaigns. Non-profit organizations can send text messages with campaign information, including the fundraising goal, a compelling story, and a direct link to the campaign page. By targeting individuals who have previously supported similar causes or expressed interest in the organization's work, texting can increase campaign visibility and result in greater contributions.
  • Volunteer Recruitment: Many non-profit organizations heavily rely on volunteers to execute their programs and initiatives. Texting facilitates volunteer recruitment by allowing organizations to send tailored messages to potential volunteers, providing details about volunteer opportunities and sign-up processes. By connecting with individuals directly, organizations can reach out to a larger number of prospective volunteers and optimize their recruitment efforts.
  • Reactivation of Lapsed Donors: Texting presents an effective means to re-engage lapsed donors who have previously supported the organization but have become less active. Sending personalized messages to these donors, expressing gratitude for their past contributions, and sharing updates on recent accomplishments can reignite their interest and encourage them to contribute again.

In summary, P2P offers non-profit organizations an efficient and engaging way to reach their target audience, promote their cause, and raise funds. Whether it be acquiring new donors, promoting events, engaging existing supporters, driving crowdfunding campaigns, recruiting volunteers, or reactivating lapsed donors, P2P texting proves to be a versatile tool that enhances non-profit fundraising efforts.

Event Management
Event management involves the planning, organizing, and execution of various types of events, such as conferences, seminars, trade shows, fundraisers, and social gatherings. P2p offers several use cases within event management, empowering organizers to enhance communication, engage attendees, and streamline logistics.

P2P texting for Event Management
  • Pre-event communication: Texting enables event organizers to send personalized messages to prospective attendees, informing them about the event details, such as date, time, location, agenda, and registration information. By directly reaching out to individuals via text, organizers can ensure that important information is received and increase the chances of attendee participation.
  • Event reminders and updates: Keeping attendees informed about last-minute changes, updates, or reminders is crucial for a successful event. Texting allows organizers to instantly communicate any alterations to the schedule, venue, or other relevant details, ensuring that attendees stay informed and avoid any confusion or inconvenience.
  • Attendee engagement: Texting facilitates interactive engagement with attendees before, during, and after an event. Organizers can create polls, surveys, and interactive text campaigns to gather feedback, gauge attendee satisfaction, and receive real-time insights. This enables event organizers to tailor their events and make necessary adjustments based on attendee preferences.
  • On-site support: During the event, texting can be utilized to provide on-site support to attendees. Attendees can easily reach out to organizers with any questions, concerns, or issues they may have, enhancing the overall experience. Event organizers can promptly respond to individual inquiries and provide personalized assistance through text, ensuring a smooth event execution.
  • Networking opportunities: Texting can be leveraged to facilitate networking opportunities among event attendees. Organizers can create a platform where attendees can share contact information, connect with each other, and schedule meetings or follow-up discussions. This fosters a sense of community and encourages collaboration among participants.
  • Post-event follow-up: Texting offers a convenient and efficient way to conduct post-event follow-up with attendees. Organizers can send thank you messages, surveys, or resources related to the event, capturing valuable feedback and maintaining engagement with attendees. This not only helps in assessing the success of the event but also builds a lasting relationship with attendees for future events.

Overall, the use cases of P2P texting in event management greatly enhance communication, engagement, and logistics. Its ability to provide personalized messages, real-time updates, interactive engagement, on-site support, networking opportunities, and streamlined follow-up makes it an invaluable tool for event organizers. By leveraging the power of P2P texting, event management becomes more effective, efficient, and attendee-centric.

Best Practices

Best Practices in P2P Texting

To ensure successful P2P texting campaigns, it is essential to follow certain best practices. This overview will explore some key principles and strategies for optimizing P2P texting efforts.

Permission and Consent: In the initial message you should always include a personalized opt-out message so your senders can easily acknowledge a recipient’s request if they choose to be opted out.

Personalization: Personalize your messages to create a more meaningful and engaging conversation. Address individuals by their first name if possible, and tailor the content based on their interests, preferences, or previous interactions. This will help establish a sense of connection and enhance the overall user experience.

Timing and Frequency: Be mindful of the timing and frequency of your text messages. Avoid sending messages during unsolicited hours that may cause inconvenience. Strive for a balanced communication schedule, ensuring you provide value without overwhelming recipients. Regular but not excessive contact helps maintain interest and a positive rapport.

Clear and Concise Communication: Craft messages that are clear, concise, and easy to understand. Use simple language, avoid jargon or technical terms, and keep the message focused. It is crucial to convey the desired information effectively while keeping the text brief, as attention spans in text messages tend to be shorter.

Call-to-Action (CTA): Include a clear call-to-action in your P2P texts. Whether it is to make a purchase, sign up for an event, visit a website, or respond to a survey, guide recipients on what action to take. A well-crafted CTA ensures better engagement and encourages desired outcomes.

Two-Way Communication: P2P texting is not just about broadcasting information; it should facilitate a two-way conversation. Encourage recipients to respond, ask questions, or provide feedback. Promptly address incoming messages to foster a dynamic exchange that builds trust, enhances customer satisfaction, and strengthens relationships.

Segmentation and targeting: Segment your audience based on relevant demographics, interests, or behavior to deliver more personalized and targeted messages. This ensures that recipients receive relevant information, increasing the likelihood of engagement and positive responses.

Compliance with Regulations: Stay informed about the legal and regulatory requirements surrounding P2P texting. Familiarize yourself with rules such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and 10DLC in the United States or similar frameworks in other regions. Complying with these regulations helps maintain trust and avoids potential legal issues.

Analysis and Optimization: Regularly analyze campaign performance metrics, such as response rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, to evaluate the success of your P2P texting efforts. Use this data to identify areas for improvement and apply optimizations to enhance future campaigns.

By adhering to these best practices, businesses, organizations, and individuals can effectively utilize P2P texting to establish personal connections, drive engagement, and achieve desired outcomes. Customizing messages, respecting privacy, ensuring compliance, and continuous analysis are key components that contribute to successful P2P texting campaigns.

Regulatory and Carrier Requirements

What’s 10DLC
10DLC stands for "10 digit long code," or the phone numbers that ThruText uses to send personalized messages to individual people. "10DLC" is being used as shorthand for a new system that wireless carriers (like AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon) are implementing to protect the SMS channel from spam and junk messaging for their US based customers. Overall, we support the goals of the 10DLC system, which are to register, verify, and track organizations and their texts to ensure that high-quality messages reach their intended recipients. Note that the carriers are each approaching 10DLC differently, which means that some compliance steps may be required to deliver messages to one carrier but not another.

Who are The Campaign Registry and Campaign Verify?

  • The Campaign Registry (TCR) is the information hub that allows the registration of 10DLC messaging campaigns. They work with carriers, vendors, and industry partners to establish common standards for A2P 10DLC messaging. This is the organization that is administering 10DLC.
  • Campaign Verify is the 10DLC vetting partner responsible for verifying political campaigns, PACs, and parties (527 organizations). If you are one of these three organizations, you must register with Campaign Verify separately to send messages to some carriers.

How is GetThru approaching 10DLC?
We are an official "Campaign Service Provider" with The Campaign Registry, which means that we can help our customers comply with the new 10DLC system so that you can continue texting with confidence. GetThru manages the fees for applying for Brand Registration and Use Cases on our client's behalf. Our goal is to minimize the burden of 10DLC compliance by making it as easy as possible to enter the necessary information inside ThruText. Once you do, we will pass that information along to TCR and, in turn, to the wireless carriers.

How to get registered?

  • All accounts need an Account Owner to complete Brand Registration. Account Owners must submit the required information for Brand & Use Case Registration. This will provide TCR with basic information about your organization, like your organization's legal name and Employer Identification Number (EIN).
  • All accounts must register a Use Case. You will also need to establish which use case you will use for your account. Use Cases are the 10DLC term for general types of texting campaigns, like "Charity," "Higher Education," or "Political." Any Admin can fill out the Use Cases form, and we recommend applying for "Charity" or "Political" if your organization can. After applying for a use case, it is sent to Manual Vetting.
  • Some accounts will need a Campaign Verify Token. If your organization is a 527 non-profit (a political campaign, PAC, or political party), you will need to register with Campaign Verify. Once registered, you will receive the Campaign Verify (CV) token, which you will add to your ThruText account on the same page as Brand Registration before registering for the "Political" use case.
  • For high-volume accounts require a Special Business Review. T-Mobile has additional compliance measures for high-volume texters to receive an exemption from their daily message limits. If you believe you may need a Special Business Review due to the high number of texts you plan to send (over 250k in one day).

Brand  Registration
Due to 10DLC regulations, Brand and Use Case registration are required by the Carriers.  Carriers need to know information about your organization and the types of text messages you will send. Both forms are found on the same page in your ThruText account.

  • Brand Registration: TCR (The Campaign Registry) requires basic information about your organization, like your organization's legal name, legal address, and Employee Identification Number (EIN).
  • Use Case Registration: Use Cases are the 10DLC term for general types of texting campaigns, like "Charity" or "Political."
  • Campaign Verify: If you represent a political organization registered with the FEC, state, or local election authorities (a 527 tax-exempt organization), you must complete a Campaign Verify registration to obtain a Campaign Verify token. You can enter the token on the Brand & Use Case Registration page in ThruText in the bottom-right corner.

Guidance for Filling out Brand Registration Form

Below are the fields you must complete on the Brand Registration form. Please review the requirements for each carefully to avoid errors in your submission.

  • Organization's Legal Name: Use the name your organization would use for tax purposes. For example, GetThru's legal name is TOSKR Inc., which we would use on our Brand Registration.
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN): an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to register their organization's Brand.
  • Organization's Phone Number: Use the general contact number for your organization.
  • Organization's Email: Use the general contact email for your organization.
  • Organization's Website: URLs are required to see that your organization has an online presence and that the website is verifiable.
  • Address: Use the address your organization uses to file taxes.
  • Organization Type:
  • Government: The Government entity type is exclusively for verifiable agencies/entities of the current government and should not be used by political campaigns or any other organizations.
  • Nonprofit: C4
  • For-Profit (Private): Choose this if you are a private, for-profit company.
  • For-Profit (Publicly Traded): Choose this if you are a for-profit, publicly-traded company.
  • Industry: Choose the industry that most closely matches the space in which your organization does work.

Submitting Your Brand Registration
Once you submit your organization's Brand Registration, GetThru passes this information to The Campaign Registry to begin the process. This pop-up will let you know you have successfully submitted your registration. Once the registration approval process has been completed, we will notify you.

Brand Registration Status Types
There are 4 status types for Brand Registration: pre-submission," Pending," "Registered," and "Registration Unverified." Once you have submitted your Brand Registration, your status will be "Pending" until The Campaign Registry (TCR) reviews your submission and returns it as either "Registered" or "Registration Unverified." Verification is done by comparing the information submitted on the Brand Registration form to your organization's tax filing information. If TCR has encountered any discrepancies, they will mark your GetThru account as "Registration Unverified." Read on to learn more about each status type and how to troubleshoot the "Registration Unverified" status.

Before a Brand Registration is submitted, the top of the form will only display "Account Owner Only."

Once you have submitted your registration to TCR, your registration status will be "Pending" until they have assessed your submission.

Once TCR has reviewed your Brand Registration submission and verified the details, your status will change to "Registered."

Registration Unverified
If TCR encounters conflicting information, they will mark your ThruText account "Registration Unverified." You will need to resubmit your Brand Registration. Please review the next section below.

Resubmitting Your Brand Registration
If you receive a "Registration Unverified" response from TCR, you will want to double-check your organization's information. Make sure to check the following:

  • The EIN matches what is on your organization's tax filings.
  • The name of your organization is spelled correctly, without any unofficial abbreviations.
  • The correct "Organization Type" is chosen.
  • Only 527's should select "Yes" for "Is your organization a political entity."

Brand Registration Failures & Resubmissions
If TCR has returned your registration as "Registration Unverified," you will be prompted to resubmit your Brand Registration.

Use Case Registration

After completing your Brand Registration, you must fill out your Use Case Registration form. You need to register a use case so that cell phone carriers know what kind of messages you are planning to send. You can choose one Use Case to register, so make sure to select one that best aligns with your texting needs. Please note that carriers view "Political" and "Charity" use cases favorably compared to all other use cases.  After applying for a Use Case it will be manually vetted by carriers.

The Manually Vetting Process
Manual vetting has added an additional state to use cases as they work through the approval process. Use cases have five status types: Pre-Submission, Pending, Failed, Registered, and Approved. Once you have submitted your Use Case, your status will be pending until they are moved through The Campaign Registry (TCR). After TCR reviews your submission, they will either reject or register it and send it for manual vetting. During manual vetting, the use case will remain "Registered" until "Approved."

Manual vetting is a human check on a use case-by-use case basis when a use case is registered. Added onto TCR's automated check, organizations cannot text until the entire process is completed, including manual verification.

What are carriers checking for?

Carriers need to verify that there is a place on an organization's website where a contact could knowingly add their contact information to a texting list and a privacy policy that discloses how their information will be managed. The phone number collection field, opt-in message, and privacy policy are necessary for approval.

Use Case Statuses and How to Re-Appeal

Before a use case is submitted, the Use Case registration shows no radio buttons have been selected for any use case types. Also, there are no color-coded bubbles.

After filling out the Use Case Registration form, a yellow "Pending" bubble will appear next to the use case. GetThru Staff checks your application quickly and will send an email if there are concerns. The "Pending" status means that your use case has not moved onto manual vetting.

NOTE - If your Use Case was submitted before 10 p.m. ET, please expect a follow-up email the same day. If your Use Case was sent after 10 p.m. ET, please expect an email the following day.

A "Failed" red bubble will appear next to the use case if TCR has rejected it. The use case was not sent to manual vetting.

A yellow "Registered" bubble will be shown when a use case waits for carriers' manual vetting. You will receive a notification once your Use Case has reached "Registered" status. If your Use Case is rejected, you will receive an automated email promptingRegistered you to contact support@getthru.io. Review 10DLC Website Requirements for guidance on what is necessary for approval.

NOTE - Use Cases in the "Registered" status, are not usable yet.

A green "Approved" bubble will be shown when a use case has completed manual vetting and is ready to Text. You will also receive an automated email when your Use Case is "Approved."

Special Use Cases (Preferred)
We highly suggest that organizations apply for a Special Use Case if they are able to. Special Use Cases have higher throughputs and higher sending limits for individual carriers compared to Standard Use Cases.

  • Political - If your organization is a 501(c)4/5/6 or 527, you should use the Political use case (501c3 organizations can register for the Political use case if applicable). The Political use case, when fully approved, receives preferential message per-second treatment by the wireless carriers over all other use cases. All 527 political organizations will need to be verified with Campaign Verify and obtain a token to register the Political use case.
  • Charity - Communications from a registered charity aimed at providing help and raising money for those in need. This use case is available to 501(c)3 organizations only. The Charity use case receives preferential treatment from the wireless carriers over most standard use cases.

Standard Use Cases
We highly suggest that organizations apply for a Special Use Case if they are able to. Special Use Cases have higher throughputs and higher sending limits for individual carriers compared to Standard Use Cases.

  • Higher Education - If you are texting on behalf of a College or University, select this option (unless you are a 501c3, then select Charity, see above.)
  • Customer Care - Select this option if you are texting as part of your organization's customer care interactions. This includes but is not limited to customer care and support. Unions texting union members can use this use case.
  • Polling and Voting - This use case is meant for sending surveys for non-political polling/voting campaigns. No political messaging should be sent through the Polling and Voting use case.
  • Public Service Announcement - Informational messaging to raise an audience's awareness about important issues. If you're messaging, for example, on environmental issues or COVID relief, you may want to utilize this use case.

Use Case Sample Messages
The telecom companies require us to submit two custom sample messages per use case. Once you've selected your Use Case, two boxes will populate, prompting you to give examples of the initial messages you'll send to your targets. These fields are required to complete your Use Case Registration.

Help Message Reply
This field is intended to show carriers a sample message identifying your organization to contact. Carriers want to know what message you would send to contacts if they requested help identifying your organization.

Contact Source & Privacy Policy
This field is intended to show carriers a sample message identifying your Carriers need a valid URL (a contact source) where a contact could knowingly opt-in to text messages and a privacy policy that discloses how their information will be managed. Not sure what to enter? View the bottom of the Contact Source and Privacy Policy article. This is required to complete your Use Case Registration.

Use Cases by Organization Type
The following table provides suggestions on which Use Case you should consider registering based on your organization type. You only need to register one use case that applies to your texting campaigns, and you should strongly consider registering for your "preferred" Use Case.

Organization Type
Suggested Use Cases
Consultants / Resellers
  • Political (only use for 527, 501c3, 501c4, 501c5, and 501c6 clients)
  • Charity (501c3 clients)
  • Customer Care
  • Higher Education
  • Polling & Voting
  • Public Service Announcement
*Consultants will need to create a GetThru account for each client with a unique EIN to register their brands & use cases successfully.
  • Political
*527 organizations will need to input their CV token to their account before registering for the "Political" use case.
  • Political
  • Charity
  • Higher Education
  • Public Service Announcement
  • Polling & Voting
  • Customer Care
*Consultants will need to create a GetThru account for each client with a unique EIN to register their brands & use cases successfully.
Colleges and Universities
  • Higher Education
*If the facility is a 501c3, see box above on available Use Cases.
  • Political
  • Public Service Announcement
  • Customer Care
  • Polling & Voting
*501c4 organizations are not eligible for the "Charity" use case and will receive a rejection from TCR if they apply for that use case.
Unions / 501c5
  • Public Service Announcement
  • Customer Care
  • Polling & Voting
*501c5 organizations are not eligible for the "Charity" use case and will receive a rejection from TCR if they apply for that use case.
  • Political
  • Public Service Announcement
  • Customer Care
  • Polling & Voting
*501c6 organizations are not eligible for the 'Charity' use case and will receive a rejection from TCR.

What is Campaign Verify?

As part of 10DLC, and in addition to submitting a Brand Registration (and before applying for a Use Case), political texters will need to register with Campaign Verify. Campaign Verify is a non-partisan organization that verifies the identities of 527 non-profits (US political campaigns, parties, and PACs) for texting. If you are one of these three, you must register. Registering will give you a token that you will put in your ThruText account that will help protect your organization from spoofing, which is when someone outside of your organization sends messages in your name, regardless of malicious intent.

Which organizations need to register with Campaign Verify?
Campaign Verify registration is available and required for all U.S. political entities who file as 527 organizations. Here's some additional guidance around specific organization types:

  • Ballot initiatives that are organized as 527 organizations must register with Campaign Verify.
  • 501c3 and c4 organizations do NOT need to register with Campaign Verify.

How do I register with Campaign Verify?

  • To register, please visit Campaign Verify's website and fill out the "Sign Up" form to get started and create a log-in.
  • After creating your login, please follow these step-by-step videos to submit your new Verification Request. You will need an FEC ID or a URL of your filing at the state or local level. Be sure to pick the video that represents your organization:
  • Once your form has been submitted, Campaign Verify will review the information, and you will be issued a six-digit PIN code. Log in to Campaign Verify and enter this PIN code to generate & receive your token. This token will allow us to complete your 10DLC registration.

Use Case Registration can't be submitted until the Brand Registration has been submitted and approved. Because the CV token is part of the Brand Registration, the "Political" Use Case application can't be submitted until the CV token is accepted. If you attempt to register the use case before submitting the CV token, it will appear successful, but the "Pending" status will disappear when the page is refreshed.

Is opt-in required to send texts?

While carriers only accept use case registration from organizations with opt-in forms, this doesn't mean that you can only text people who opt-in. Opt-in is not a requirement.

Opt-in Requirements
Many clients have been asking whether 10DLC should change their approach to who they text, particularly whether organizations now need prior express permission (aka opt-in) for peer-to-peer texts sent via GetThru. This article provides our best current understanding of how to approach that question.First, we'll start with a disclaimer. GetThru has never monitored texting universes for opt-ins, and we have no plans to do so. Clients choose who they want to text through our software, and we send those texts on their behalf.

Second, we believe that any enforcement of the new 10DLC rules will be complaint-based. It is our understanding that carriers have no way to monitor 10DLC texts for opt-in. But they can and will notice when a texting campaign results in many complaints or "unwanted" messages. So the most important thing GetThru clients can do is to avoid texting behavior that is likely to generate complaints. That means not texting people who are highly unlikely to be receptive to your message and not over-texting your supporters. Our clients should always honor opt-outs.

Third, it's important to remember that 10DLC does not change the widely stated best practices from the carriers regarding opt-ins. CTIA, the industry association for telecom carriers, has been encouraging opt-ins since July 2019. So have Twilio, Bandwidth, and other intermediaries who facilitate P2P texting through their APIs. But, in spite of those guidelines, many organizations have chosen to send texts without opt-ins because they believe (as do we) that it is 100% legal to do so under the TCPA and because it's an essential tool for reaching key audiences.

What is MMS and can it be used for P2P

MMS, or multimedia messaging service, is a text messaging type that includes some amount of text with the potential to include many file types and even multiple files at a time. The overwhelming majority of uses for text messaging with MMS focus on one combination: A single image or gif presented that often includes some amount of text. While SMS messages are text-only and divided by segments, ThruText sends MMS messages as a single segment with a media file. Since MMS messages aren't divided into segments if you plan to send a long initial message (up to 1600 characters), consider making it an MMS!

MMS messages can be PNG or JPG image file types or GIFs up to 500KB that can be added to campaigns with audiences as large as 100k messages. MMS throughput depends upon your group's carrier makeup and your organization's 10DLC details (brand registration and use case type.) The lowest possible sending rate is 3k messages per hour, but in most cases, the throughput is higher, especially for Charity and Political use cases. For campaigns with long initial messages, sending MMS messages may be more 10DLC compliant.

How fast can I send MMS messages?
Due to carrier limitations, MMS messages have a separate and lower throughput than SMS messages. AT&T necessitates that MMS messages be sent more slowly through their network. Due to its market share, AT&T's limitation can affect the overall sending time of a campaign.

How do I know how many MMS messages I sent?
When your texters send your MMS campaigns, the initial message is counted as an MMS message. As replies do not contain media, they are counted as SMS messages. Admins and account owners can refer to their Usage Analytics page, campaign exports, or account-level exports for MMS and SMS totals.

Best practices for your MMS texting campaign

First impressions are very important, so you want to make your initial message as effective and efficient as possible. In addition to Organization IDs and Opt-Out Language fields that need to be added to each initial message, there are additional best practices for engaging your contacts. Learn more about our tips below!

Remember, you pay for the messages you send, not just the ones that are delivered. It is in your business's best interest to optimize the delivery rate.

Tip 1: Avoid using links
Including a link in your initial message will dramatically increase the risk that a carrier marks your text as spam and fails to deliver it to your contact. Once a recipient responds, sending them a link is safer -- for example, your initial message could invite a volunteer to an event. If they respond that they are interested, you can include a link to an RSVP form in a subsequent message. If you have to include a link in your messages (in initial messages or replies,) do not use a link-shortening service like bit.ly. Bit.ly and similar links carry a very high risk of being marked as spam. Use a secure link that uses https:// instead of http://, and include that prefix in your script. The best link is a shortened, secure URL for your domain name.

Our texting partners recommended avoiding the following link shorteners entirely:

  • goo.gl
  • bit.ly
  • tinyurl.com
  • tiny.cc
  • lc.chat
  • is.gd
  • soo.gd
  • s2r.co
  • clicky.me
  • budurl.com
  • Bc.vc

Tip 2: Keep it short
MMS initial messages can be a maximum of 1,600 characters, but best practice is < 1k characters. Your initial message should be short and to the point because long text portions of an MMS can cover the image when it's received by your contacts.

Tip 3: Invite contacts to engage in a real conversation
ThruText enables real, two-way conversations, so try ending your initial message with an engaging question that invites a response from your contact. Be creative! For example, you can ask if your contact has a song they would suggest for your event's playlist.

Other Forms of P2P Texting

Toll-free (800 numbers)
Toll-free numbers, often recognized by their 800 prefixes, have been an integral part of telecommunications for decades. In the context of P2P texting, toll-free numbers are used to enable person-to-person (P2P) communication via text messages. These numbers are an excellent choice for organizations that wish to engage with their audience, customers, or constituents through texting.

Key Points:

  • Legitimacy: Toll-free numbers lend credibility and trust to your texting campaigns. When recipients see a toll-free number, they are more likely to perceive the message as legitimate.
  • Branding: They allow for branding and consistency, as organizations can select vanity numbers that are easy to remember and align with their brand.
  • Higher Throughput: Toll-free numbers typically have higher messaging throughput capabilities, making them suitable for large-scale P2P texting campaigns.
  • Two-Way Communication: They support two-way texting conversations, which is essential for P2P texting. This enables a back-and-forth exchange of information between senders and recipients.

Short Codes
Short codes are abbreviated phone numbers, usually consisting of 5 to 6 digits, that are primarily used for sending high volumes of messages. They are particularly popular for marketing and mass communications.

Key Points:

  • High Throughput: Shortcodes offer exceptionally high message throughput, making them suitable for large-scale marketing campaigns.
  • Keyword-Based Campaigns: They are often used in conjunction with keywords. For instance, users can text a specific keyword to a short code to opt in for promotions or information.
  • Compliance: Short codes must adhere to strict compliance standards to prevent spam and ensure user consent. This ensures a level of trust in the sender's identity.
  • Premium Short Codes: Some shortcodes are premium, enabling businesses to charge users for specific services, such as voting in a TV show poll or donating to a charity via text.

In summary, P2P texting technology encompasses a range of options, from toll-free numbers that offer legitimacy and branding to 10DLC numbers for cost-effective local outreach and short codes for high-volume marketing campaigns. The choice of technology depends on your organization's specific needs, budget, and the nature of your P2P texting campaigns.

Tips & Tricks for
Multi-language Texting

How to incorporate multi-language text
Many clients have been asking whether 10DLC should change their approach to who they text, particularly whether organizations now need prior express permission (aka opt-in) for peer-to-peer texts sent via GetThru. This article provides our best current understanding of how to approach that question.

  • First, we'll start with a disclaimer. GetThru has never monitored texting universes for opt-ins, and we have no plans to do so. Clients choose who they want to text through our software, and we send those texts on their behalf.
  • Second, we believe that any enforcement of the new 10DLC rules will be complaint-based. It is our understanding that carriers have no way to monitor 10DLC texts for opt-in. But they can and will notice when a texting campaign results in many complaints or "unwanted" messages. So the most important thing GetThru clients can do is to avoid texting behavior that is likely to generate complaints. That means not texting people who are highly unlikely to be receptive to your message and not over-texting your supporters. Our clients should always honor opt-outs.
  • Third, it's important to remember that 10DLC does not change the widely stated best practices from the carriers regarding opt-ins. CTIA, the industry association for telecom carriers, has been encouraging opt-ins since July 2019. So have Twilio, Bandwidth, and other intermediaries who facilitate P2P texting through their APIs. But, in spite of those guidelines, many organizations have chosen to send texts without opt-ins because they believe (as do we) that it is 100% legal to do so under the TCPA and because it's an essential tool for reaching key audiences.

Frequently Asked Question

1. What is 10DLC and how does it relate to P2P texting?
10DLC stands for "10 digit long code," which are the phone numbers used for P2P texting. Wireless carriers like AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon are implementing 10DLC to protect the SMS channel from spam and ensure high-quality messages reach their intended recipients. P2P texting involves sending personalized messages to individual people using these 10DLC numbers.

2. What are The Campaign Registry and Campaign Verify?
The Campaign Registry (TCR) is an organization that allows the registration of 10DLC messaging campaigns. They work with carriers, vendors, and industry partners to establish common standards for A2P 10DLC messaging. Campaign Verify is responsible for verifying political campaigns, PACs, and parties (527 organizations) for 10DLC texting. They provide a token to protect organizations from spoofing.

3. How do I register for 10DLC and P2P texting?
To register for 10DLC and P2P texting, you need to complete Brand Registration and Use Case Registration. Account Owners must submit the required information for Brand Registration, and you must also establish which use case applies to your organization. For political organizations, registration with Campaign Verify is required.

4. What are the key components of a successful P2P texting campaign?
Successful P2P texting campaigns involve customizing messages, respecting privacy, ensuring regulatory compliance, and continuously analyzing campaign performance metrics to drive engagement and establish personal connections.

5. Is opt-in required for sending P2P texts?
While carriers encourage opt-ins, they don't mandate it for P2P texting. Carriers primarily rely on complaint-based enforcement and are more concerned about avoiding unwanted messages and spam. However, organizations should avoid over-texting their supporters and always respect opt-outs.

6. What is MMS, and can it be used for P2P texting?
MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) allows you to send text messages with multimedia content, such as images or gifs. MMS messages can be used for P2P texting and are sent as a single segment. It's important to keep MMS messages concise and engaging.

7. What's the difference between toll-free numbers, short codes, and 10DLC for P2P texting?
Toll-free numbers offer legitimacy, branding, and higher throughput. Short codes are used for high-volume messaging campaigns, while 10DLC provides cost-effective local outreach. The choice depends on the nature and scale of your P2P texting campaigns.

8. How fast can I send MMS messages, and what are the best practices for MMS texting campaigns?
MMS messages have a lower throughput than SMS messages, and their speed may be affected by carrier limitations. Best practices for MMS include keeping messages short, avoiding links in initial messages, and inviting contacts to engage in a real conversation.

9. What are Campaign Verify's requirements for registration, and who needs to register with them?
Campaign Verify is essential for political entities that file as 527 organizations. They require an FEC ID or a URL of filing at the state or local level. While 501c3 and c4 organizations do not need to register with Campaign Verify, political organizations must complete this registration to protect themselves from spoofing.

10. How does 10DLC relate to the TCPA, and what are the key compliance considerations for P2P texting?
10DLC regulations aim to protect the SMS channel from spam and ensure high-quality messages. While it doesn't change TCPA requirements, organizations should focus on avoiding behaviors likely to generate complaints, honoring opt-outs, and adhering to carrier guidelines for opt-ins.

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