
Engineering at GetThru

Learn more about what it means to be on the engineering team at GetThru. Interested in joining us? Check out our open roles!

How We Work

We love Elixir!
Elixir makes the hard things easy (well, easier), and that’s what we use it for. Working in telephony, we adore its speed, concurrency, and robustness. Recent problems we’ve solved using Elixir include voice telephony, rate limiting, and massive scaling challenges.

We look beyond the roadmap.
We dedicate time for self-directed work that can include learning, open-source contributions, addressing tech debt, automating repetitive tasks, or anything else relevant to the work we do.

We relish learning.
We set aside dedicated time for knowledge sharing, and provide all employees with a professional development budget.

We pair.
Not all the time; only as much as you want to. But we have a strong pairing culture and appreciate its potential for accelerating both learning and problem solving.

Team Values

We value expertise.
We recognize that not everyone who wants to grow wants to end up managing people, so we maintain separate advancement tracks for people management and technical leadership.

We value each other
We care about one another and find ways for introverts and extroverts alike to thrive while working collaboratively. And we always have each other’s backs.

Our Company

We support your well being
We recognize that we are all people first and employees second, and we will always prioritize taking care of yourself both physically and mentally.

We're all-remote
But that doesn’t mean we have to be isolated! We get together in person twice a year (barring, you know, a pandemic), and carve out additional dedicated and optional time to hang out virtually.

We're committed to diversity
We believe that a team with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences will be more creative, more adaptable, and more effective. And we strive to build a team that reflects the communities we are working to support. Our engineering department is woman-led, and we share a commitment to promoting diversity in software engineering.

We make a difference in the world
GetThru’s tools allow political campaigns and nonprofit organizations to engage with their constituencies at scale. In the 2020 election cycle we helped propel several of the highest-profile Democratic campaigns in the nation to victory!

Oh, right, our tech stack....
In Elixir we use Phoenix with Ecto, Oban, and Liveview. We also use some React on the front end. Our infrastructure includes PostgreSQL, Redis, Docker, and Kubernetes in AWS.